
- Diploma in mechanical engineering
- Patent Attorneys
- European Patent Attorney
- European Trademark Attorney
- European Design Attorney
- Partner
Since 2003Partner at Patentanwälte Schuster, Müller & Partner
2002Patent attorney at Patentanwälte Schuster & Partner
1992Patent assessor at Saxony-Anhalt Inventor Centre
1990Social office of the city of Magdeburg (setting up the department for resettlers and asylum seekers)
1980Patent Department of the “Otto-von-Guericke” Technical University Magdeburg
1980Post-graduate degree at Berlin Humboldt University; specialism: legal protection of industrial property rights; degree specialist engineer for property rights
1976Development engineer at VEB Elektrotechnik und Gerätebau Magdeburg
1971Degree course at the “Otto-von-Guericke” Technical University Magdeburg (now “Otto-von-Guericke” University); specialism: technology of the metal-processing industry; materials engineering/materials testing
- Patent law
- Utility model law
- Trademark law
- Design law
- Employee invention law
- Patent strategies
- Licence negotiations
- German Patent Attorneys´ Bar Association
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys (BDPA)
- Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI)
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)